At the moment when Andrew called me, the Ganamedia has already had a website, but there was a problem that I had to solve. There was a promotional video on the main page to describe company's main areas of work. According to the collected metrics, the promotional video was watched only by 15% of users. That didn't meet the sales goal because the video was a main target tool.
This is Andrew, he is my friend. In the beginning of my career path he adviced me to choose web design as my specialty and it was a life-changing moment. He showed me that web design plays a significant role in the digital world.

Andrew has always loved music a lot and all his life is related to it. He made music, sang, took past in different shows and concerts. Now he has his own production center that is called the Ganamedia. This is a thriving project that makes people famous and their songs are at the top of iTunes charts..

The Ganamedia offers a wide range such as services for pre-made songs sales, songwriting and recording, video production and promotion. Users can choose the services of different price plans using the website.
My main task was to develop a home page design that would increase the popularity of the promotional video among users. But I noticed that no matter if people watched the video or not, they still have made a purchase. Then my second task was to recognize how important is watching a promotional video for the user to make a purchase.
At the first stage, I made a design critique of home page. I can't say that play button was hidden because it was at the center of the page, big, pulsating and animated. But users didn't want to click on it, as they were not motivated and saw no reason for this action.
design critique
The active menu tab is too different from the other tabs. This makes them invisible, especially to visually impaired people.
Dark elements seem heavy and out of the general design style of this site.
The play button looks harmonious due to the selected palette, but it doesn't have enough accent and users don't understand why they need to click on it and the call to watch the video is not convincing enough.
The page is so minimalistic that it seems empty and impersonal, it doesn't make the main accent to brend identity and there is a lot of noise from using different styles.
The company name in the center of the page takes precedence over the company logo in the menu. It confuses and becomes a barrier to brand awareness.
I developed a lot of options for home page design, I took the results of the design critique into consideration and kept the main goal of increasing the popularity of promotional video among users. Additionally, I worked with such aspects as brand awareness, highlighting the main accent of the page, well-crafted composition, designing an individual and special style.

Finally, I conducted an analysis and presentated only two designs of the home page to Andrew. These were the pages that I found to be more advantageous than the rest, and both options pursued different goals. At this stage I could finish my work, but I suggested to conduct a research and get to identifying the real reason for the customer to buy.
DESIGN process
For the research I chose the CJM method, because the website has already started working for users. The two design options I have chosen for the main page of the site have two different goals. Let's review both of them:

The first option assumes that the users don't have to watch the promotional video immediately when they get to the site, but the video is on the page. The main goal of this option is brand awareness. All elements on the page are concentrated on the brand identity and brightness. That is supposed to interest the user to look deeper and attract his attention.

The second option "perseveres" the users to watch the promotional video immediately when they get to the site. We show it on home page how important the action is and users don't have a chance to miss it. At its core, a promotional video is a colorful live description of the path to their fame. The main purpose of this video is for users to associate themselves with the guy in the video.
Recognize how watching the promotional video affects the purchase;

Get to know how important watching the promotional video immediately is when they get to the site
What motivates to buy a service;

When and why users watch the promotional video;

How much does watching a promotional video affects the purchase of services;

What motivates users to watch the promotional video;

Research an user path (UX);

Assess user barriers
Users don't understand why they need to watch a promotional video;

It is not always convenient for the user to watch a promotional video;

From a psychological point of view, users believe that reading information on their own is more reliable than watching a promotional video;

Location of promotional video on the main page is not appropriate;

Watching the promotional video affects the purchase
Since I have gathered a big picture of the audience from data collected of the company, as well as their goals and needs, I use the user persona to represent key audience segments. It helps me focus on tackling the most important problems – on understanding what exactly motivates the user to make a purchase. It is both fictional and realistic.

Let's meet Anna, a blogger in Moscow. She plans to open a new sphere of activity and record her first track.
What percentage of users watch the promotional video;

What percentage of people make a purchase after watching the promotional video
process & RESULTS
Do you really need to watch the video?
A total of 12 people took part in the interview. To get the most relevant results and confirm or disprove my theories I chose people from different categories: 4 people who have already bought service on the site Ganamedia and 8 people in accordance with the parameters I needed, who could be potential buyers. The survey was divided into two parts, at the first part people browsed the site, commented on what they see and how they feel , and at the second part I asked clarifying questions.
When entering the site, people noted that the design of the page is bright, branding is memorable, conception catches them and they want to look further, also people noted that the website creates the feeling of a truly professional studio. Some people immediately noticed the promotional video start button, but could not predict what would happen when they clicked on it, however, in general, they had an idea of what the video was about.

People wanted to quickly go further through the site without stopping for a long time on the first page, they were mainly interested in the price and how the recording process works.

After studying the site, people viewed the page several times, tried to compare options and choose an advantageous offer. After sufficient analysis, people sometimes returned to the home page to watch the promotional video and were ready to make a purchase.

People noted that a 2-minute-long promotional video illustrates the services provided by the company based on the example of one of the artists. But this knowledge is not enough to make a purchase.

A lot of people said that they think that the promotional video should be located somewhere else, not on the home page. First of all, they want to begin by exploring the site and finding out the prices, and only then spend time watching the promotional video.
When entering the site, almost all people clicked on the play button to watch the promotional video, everyone understood that they needed to start by watching the video in order to get acquainted with the Ganamedia's concept. But not everyone was satisfied with the completeness of the information that the promotional video demonstrates.

Some people didn't watch the video to the end, explaining that it looks like an advertisement and they don't quite understand what it is about.

Next, users browsed the site and searched for the information they needed. They, like the members of the first group, were looking for detailed information on the price and how the recording process works.

People were ready to make a purchase, but they weren't sure that watching the video contributed to the purchase.

At the end of the interview, all people were able to remember the main line of the promotional video, but they, like the first group, confirmed that they were not ready to watch the video at the very beginning of viewing the site. Which once again confirmed my theory that the video should be located elsewhere on the site. They also noted that they do not associate themselves with the star from the promotional video, but there is definitely a desire to achieve the same popularity.
As a result of the interview, I found out what exactly the people wanted to see on the site in the first place. We should not believe impressions and rely on our own feelings, we should look at the numbers and draw conclusions. People cannot say for sure that the promotional video provided enough data to make a quick purchase without studying the site, and users were sure that the video should be moved to another page.
4/12 Watched the promotional video at the top of the page
2/12 Watched the promotional video to the end
2/12 Think that the promotional video influenced the purchase
10/12 Would make a purchase
9/12 Think that self-study of the site seems more reliable than watching a video
8/12 Don't waste time watching a video
7/12 Consider it inappropriate to place the video on the main page
The promotional video promotes purchase on the site but it doesn't reveal the whole essence of the project. It's interesting for users how to conduct a process of recording songs and how they can become famous singers, but also users want to have control over how the site is viewed, they want to explore the site on their own, see the price and options without being pushed to watching the video.

The option of watching the promotional video immediately when they get to the site has practically no effect on the user's decision to purchase the service. So we chose the first design option of the home page, which reinforces a brand awareness. And the promotional video was posted in another section.

And later, the play button on the main page acquired a new function - the inclusion of background tracks.
Sometimes it seems that the problem is too simple, and the solution is on the surface, then our brain doesn't want to bother and looks for easy ways to solve it.
We must approach the solution of any problem critically and ask more questions, no matter how silly or inappropriate they seem to us at first glance. And, most importantly, we must recognize the depth of a task but not its volume, and based on this, we need to prioritize our tasks in order not to waste time. To do this, we need to pause and try to look at the project from different perspectives before offering a quick solution to assess the problem.
Mobile application HOME GYM
A sports community where the person individuality comes above all and motivation and communication are main values
Mobile Design System for a Bank
Design system as a visual communication with the client, uniting all mobile products of the bank into a single concept
Marketplace: a bank partnership project
Multi-functional bank project with cashback, marketplace and gamification functions in one
A few more projects in different design branches: branding, graphic design, typography etc.
Quick preview of my other projects
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